Mobile payments
Mobile payments are available for metered on-street parking on parking spaces owned by the City of Kuopio, using the Moovy, EasyPark, ParkMan or eParking app on your smartphone.
All the on-street parking meters in Kuopio are mobile payment compatible. All the mobile payment apps require advance registration. Moovy, EasyPark, ParkMan and eParking are private companies that charge a fee for using their app in addition to the parking fee. The estimated parking duration can be extended or shortened with the smartphone, without the hassle of physically getting to the car to do it. This way you pay only for the actual duration of parking.
On-street parking
Zone I = The area outlined by the streets Suokatu, Puistokatu, Minna Canthin katu and Vuorikatu (“the Central Kuopio Parking Perimeter”), including the sections of the said streets outlining the parking perimeter.
Zone II = The area outside the Central Kuopio Parking Perimeter
Zone III = Parking in the Kuopio Harbour area
Zone I | Zone II | Zone III | |
30 min | 1,40 € | 1,20 € | 0,70 € |
60 min | 2,80 € | 2,20 € | 1,40 € |
+ 60 min | 3,20 € | 2,20 € | 1,00 € |
There is no limit to the maximum duration of parking. To pay for your parking, use the on-street parking meters. Alternatively, using the Moovy, EasyPark, ParkMan or eParking app, you can pay to park anywhere in the metered parking area. The Moovy app works in Toriparkki and for on-street parking. The service is easy to use. You only need to provide your phone number on the app to register as user. Add the registration plate number(s) of your vehicle(s) and your payment card details on the app. When you drive into a parking garage, the camera system identifies the registration plate number of your vehicle and initiates the parking sequence. You no longer need a validation ticket for access. When you drive out, the boom barrier is automatically lifted and the parking sequence is terminated. In on-street parking, the app recognises the parking zone in which the vehicle is parked based on the phone’s GPS positioning. You can select the parking duration and extend or shorten it as necessary. The app can be downloaded on Android and iOS phones for free. The Moovy service fee is €0.49 for each instance of parking, with a monthly maximum limit of €4.95 for cumulative service fees.
The payment method options available on the parking meters are coins only, payment card only or both coins and payment card, depending on the parking meter. See the map below for parking meter locations and the payment methods available. All the new parking meters fitted with touchscreens also feature the contactless payment option.
The older parking meters without touchscreens print out a ticket that must be placed inside the vehicle, on top of the dashboard in a clearly visible spot under the windshield. On the new parking meters featuring touchscreens, parking control is based on the vehicle’s registration plate number entered by the parker. The parking meter prints out a ticket, and if the ticket indicates your vehicle’s registration plate number correctly, you don’t have to place the ticket inside the car. Therefore, remember to check your ticket to ensure that the registration plate number is indicated correctly. More specific instructions can be found on the parking meters.
Motorcycle parking
Four designated motorcycle parking spaces are available on Minna Canthin katu in the vicinity of Kuopio passenger harbour. When you park your motorcycle on a regular metered parking space and purchase a ticket on the parking meter to that effect, you can keep the ticket with you and present it as necessary to verify you have paid the parking fee. Any parking fine issued will then be cancelled.
Parking in winter
In places, parking is restricted between 1 December and 31 March to facilitate street maintenance, as indicated by traffic signs.
In Kuopio, parking is controlled by the City of Kuopio.

Residential parking
4 residential parking districts
For residential parking, central Kuopio has been divided into 4 residential parking districts, each of which is indicated by one of the letters from A to D. Persons living in central Kuopio are entitled to purchase one residential parking permit per residential apartment. The residential parking permit entitles its holder to park the vehicle without paying separately for parking in designated areas as indicated by traffic signs. The permit is valid for one vehicle at a time. The permit entitles for parking the vehicle in residential parking spaces designated for the residential parking district in question, as indicated by traffic signs. The parker must pay attention to the relevant traffic signs to ensure that the area in question is reserved for residential parking. A residential parking permit can be purchased for a vehicle no more than 5 meters long and weighing up to 4 tonnes.
The permit is valid alternatively for one year or six months beginning from the date determined by the customer. A residential parking permit is granted for one vehicle per apartment.
Price of residential parking permit
€160 / year
€90 / six months
Residential parking permits can be purchased at the customer service desk of Toriparkki, tel. +358 (0)44 718 5155. When applying for a permit, the applicant must present either the lease agreement for the apartment, a deed of transfer for an owned apartment or a certificate from the residential building’s property manager.
Note: To transfer your (residential, corporate or metered) parking permit to another vehicle, please visit our Customer Service Desk or e-mail us the request along with your contact details and the registration plate numbers of both the vehicle currently on file with us and the new vehicle replacing the old one. Such transfer requests may no longer be made by phone.
Please also note that we only process e-mail messages on workdays.

If a resident parking permit has been acquired before 1.1.2025, the permit is valid in accordance with the old permit condition until the permit expires. The resident parking permit is valid in the area where the permit was acquired at the time of purchase. The new permit area map for the resident parking permit can be found on Kuopion Pysäköinti Oy’s website, as well as the old permit area map (until 31.12.2025).

Heavy vehicles
Parking fees for heavy vehicles:
Parking space with electrical outlet for block heater €55/month
Parking places for heavy vehicles on the map:
Petonen – 8 parking spaces for heavy vehicles on Hulkontie and Orsitie >>
Jynkkä – 8 parking spaces for heavy vehicles at the intersection of Rauhalahdentie and Yötarhantie >>
In order to obtain a parking permit for your heavy vehicle, you need to sign a parking space contract with us. Parking space contracts can be made for fixed terms or to be valid indefinitely, and they have a termination period of one month. Parking permits can be purchased at the customer service desk of Toriparkki, tel. +358 (0)44 718 5155.
Corporate parking
Companies may purchase three parking permits per one business premises. A corporate parking permit entitles for parking in non-metered areas reserved for residential parking in the residential parking district where the company’s premises are located. Corporate parking permits are also available for vehicles more than 5 metres long and weighing over 4 tonnes.
€200 / year
€120 / six months
Corporate parking permits can be purchased at the customer service desk of Toriparkki, tel. +358 (0)44 718 5155.
Upon purchasing a corporate parking permit, corporate customers are required to present the company’s Trade Register extract. Additionally, corporate customers must present the vehicle registration certificate of the vehicle for which the permit is acquired or a copy thereof. A corporate parking permit is valid alternatively for one year or six months beginning from the date determined by the customer.
A service fee of 5 euros will be charged for recording a change in permit details. The old permit must be handed back when changing permit details. A service fee of 12 euros will be charged for issuing a new permit to replace a lost one.
Note: To transfer your (residential, corporate or metered) parking permit to another vehicle, please visit our Customer Service Desk or e-mail us the request along with your contact details and the registration plate numbers of both the vehicle currently on file with us and the new vehicle replacing the old one. Such transfer requests may no longer be made by phone.
Please also note that we only process e-mail messages on workdays.
Parking for veterans of Finland’s wars
Kuopio-based veterans of Finland’s wars are entitled for a free parking permit for metered on-street parking. Veterans’ parking permits can be obtained at the customer service desk of Toriparkki. They entitle their holders to park their vehicles for free without time constraints on metered on-street parking spaces in central Kuopio. Veterans’ permits do not entitle to park on any private parking places in central Kuopio.
When acquiring their parking permit, veterans are required to present their frontline military service certificate as well as the vehicle registration certificate and their driver’s licence. The vehicle registration certificate is required to be presented, since the parking permit is issued to a specific vehicle. The vehicle’s registration plate number will be recorded on the permit. A veteran’s parking permit is valid for one calendar year.
Car sharing parking arrangements
The City of Kuopio introduced a special parking permit for shared cars in early 2021. The parking permit is payable and costs €200 per year. Upon purchasing such permit, the car sharing company commits to honour the terms and conditions of the permit as valid at given times. Car sharing parking permits can be purchased at the customer service desk of Kuopion Pysäköinti Oy. The parking permit entitles to park the shared car in parking spaces designated for shared cars, as indicated by traffic signs. The City of Kuopio traffic planning function designates the parking spaces for shared cars. Initiatives regarding parking spaces for shared cars can be sent by e-mail to the address liikenne(at), and such initiatives may be free of form. The City of Kuopio may designate parking spaces for shared cars in on-street parking and other public parking places.